965 515 059 - Carrer Rosa Escrig, 6, 03850 Beniarrés infobeniarres@gmail.com

Active Tourism

Barranc de L'Encantá

According to the story, and the truth can be, a pretty lady came to a woodcutter. He taught him a silver necklace, with a diamond and a ruby: “what do you want, the jewel, or do you love me more?” He replied that the jewel: “you will always be unhappy, in that rock so high I have a charming palace. You will never be stubborn, if you had loved me, the fortune there would have been with both of them. ” On top of a boreal dawn, when the dawn dawns, the lady disappears and the poor man stays the same. If you liked the saying, do not miss it, which is the true history of the Encantà ravine.

La Solana del Benicadell

“The majestic Sierra de Benicadell rises strongly in the landscape, crowned by its elegant rocky ridge recognizable at great distances: its profiles, according to the different sides, are facets of the same mountain, which is always the same and different. The sharp wall morphology of the long dorsal facing the still distant sea, separates with two limestone valleys two natural regions, two broad valleys deeply marked by the thousand years of intervention of man, Vall d’Albaida and Foia del Comtat, as well as serves a conventional provincial border between Valencia and Alicante “

Rafael Cebrián. “By the summits of the Valencian Community: 50 selected mountains”