Warriors of the Cid

The “Fila Guerreros del Cid” was born in the town of Beniarrés in 1980 when a group of neighbors created a Christian filá, since in the town there was a Moorish comparsa and thus to make more real the Moors and Christians festival in Beniarrés. Since 1991 a cultural association has been created, whereby we try to improve or to overcome the activities promoted for years: painting and photography exhibitions, talks, reading novels of characters from history, etc.
At present it has 24 partners, who for the first time are men and women, between the ages of 18 and 75 years. There are around 80 festivities among men, women and especially young people and children, who join the party sooner and live the party with more enthusiasm.
How do we organize?
The board of directors is:
- President: Raúl Sellés Sanchis
- Vice President: Xelo Valor Tomás
- Treasurer: arantxa Jordá Sanjuán
- Cap de filà: Pedro Cabañero Munera
- Secretary: Andrea Banyuls Montaner
- Vocal 1: Salvador Tomás Aura
- Vocal 2: Sandra Camps Fernández
- Vocal 3: Sergio Tomás Navarro
- Vocal 4: Amelia Valor Tomás
- Vocal 5: Ricardo Tomás Sanchis
Where we are?
In Carretera Castelló, s / n
03850 Beniarrés (Alacant)
Tlf President: 639 28 99 15 (Raúl Sellés Sanchis)
email: guerrerscid_beniarres@hotmail.com
News related to the Association.