965 515 059 - Carrer Rosa Escrig, 6, 03850 Beniarrés infobeniarres@gmail.com

Micro-preserve of Flora del Alt de Senabre

Since 16 January 2007, Beniarrés has its first protected space. It is the Micro flora reserve of l’Alt de Senabre, which includes the public lands of Fantaquí, cova dels nou forats and corralets de l’Encantà. In only 5,61 hectares have been registered more than 250 species, which can give an idea of ​​the biodiversity that treasures the place. Among the protected flora are endemic species, exclusive, rare and / or threatened, which is why the Regional Ministry, based on the botanical report drafted for this purpose, has accepted the request of the Medi Ambient of our city council as to the convenience of protecting this natural space.

This recognition involves the implementation of a management plan for the micro-reserve, which includes signaling its limits, the establishment of information posters, the adaptation of a path, the reintroduction and / or reinforcement of certain tree species, among others , the holm oak, the arbutus or the ash tree, as well as the creation of a seed bank.

Endemismos ibero-levantinosRiesgo menor de extinciónEspecies vulnerables
Arenaria levantinaArenaria levantinaBiscutella montana
Arenaria montanaCentaurea spachiiBiscutella stenophylla
Biscutella montanaCentaurium quadrifoliumSarcocapnos saetabensis
Biscutella stenophyllaHelianthemum origanifoliumEspecies protegidas
Centaurea spachiiHypericum ericoidesChamaerops humilis
Chaenorrhinum origanifoliumPhlomis crinitaHypericum ericoides
Galium lucidumRhamnus lycioidesPholomis crinita
HelianthemumÿoriganifoliumSaxifraga corsicaTeucrium buxifolium
Rhamnus lycioidesTeucrium buxifoliumTeucrium homotrichum
Sarcocapnos saetabensisTeucrium capitatum
Saxifraga corsicaTeucrium homotrichum
Sideritis tragoriganum
Teucrium buxifolium